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Pen & Ink



The Bomb Maker, Thomas Perry’s latest offering to the thriller genre, proves once again why the author is a master craftsman. Rather than an action-packed, high energy tale, this story is a taut, cerebral story driven by a building tension and the cat and mouse game between the titular bomb maker and the man determined to stop his destructive, harrowing murder spree.

Perry’s writing is straightforward and unadorned with a no-frills style but an engaging tone. His characters are interesting and sympathetic. The romantic thriller element to the tale was a surprise, but the unfolding relationship added an interesting dynamic to the story. The rather faceless, ambiguously motivated enemy left me feeling a little short changed, but I also thought it was authentic to these times of terror and to the psychology of a serial bomber.

The strength of Perry’s story lies in the claustrophobic setting of the bomb maker’s workshop and the heavy suits of the bomb technicians. The author thrust me right into the minds of both. The tension, the necessary precision of each movement, the rolling bead of sweat—it was all palpable and kept me on the edge of my seat. This is not a fast-paced read, but it is a gripping one, and the mirrored narratives of one man building the bomb and another striving to dismantle it safely was expertly done.

The Bomb Maker is thoroughly and impeccably researched, surprisingly romantic, and affectingly told. The tale is an engaging read that is a solid installment to the shelves of Thomas Perry’s oeuvre.

Highly recommended for fans of tense, thoughtful thrillers

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